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Services for Kindergartens & Early Childhood Education & Care Centres 

U&I Educational Partners offers a range of support to Early Childhood & Education Care Centres & Kindergartens and staff who work in this field.  Our qualified and professional staff can support you, your centre, team and students through:


1. Whole staff professional development or individual/group coaching in managing children's complex behaviour

​2. Supporting children and educators through delivering our program - Socially and Emotionally Able to Learn (SEAL).  

3. Providing support for a small group of students or for individual students displaying behaviours that challenge.


**School Readiness Funding can be used for our coaching and professional development sessions**


We can work through, with you, the options that match your desired outcomes and build a package that meets your needs.


Including, but not limited to:

  • Overviews of the development of Barrier to Learning Plans, Individual Learning Plans, Behaviour Support Plans, and Individual Education Plans as applicable to the centre or kindergarten

  • Responding to incidents,

  • Building relationships with children with complex needs such as trauma, ASD & ADHD, and

  • Differentiation for students with complex needs in planning and through reasonable adjustments.

  • Working with room leaders to manage and respond to children's behaviour incidents including observations, modelling, coaching and feedback

  • Working with educators in program planning, observations, evaluation analysis, assessment, and feedback

  • Running parent information sessions on child development and behaviour, neurodivergence, and trauma-informed education


This twice-weekly, 10-week program uses the VEYLF outcomes and is fully assessed by our staff for children's progress and supplied to educators. The program is tailored to your specific need and is delivered by our staff WITH your staff. Coaching for one staff member is an additional option to support planning and staff development. 


SEAL encourages educators and families to listen to and learn about children's understandings of themselves and their world, through play and shared experiences. Children will maintain a strong sense of personal success lesson after lesson as they navigate their way to being confident and involved creators of their social environments. 


Children will learn to be inclusive in their friendships and foster a sense of belonging in all environments.  Children will navigate complex and sometimes difficult emotional experiences and SEAL will give them the tools and strategies to not only cope but thrive through trauma. 


Support can include:

  • Assessment of children in a small group against the VEYLDF in the Wellbeing and Communication Outcomes.

  • Support for educators of the children in a group setting to assist with differentiation of programming and implementation of supports.

  • For individual students:

    • Completion of an Educational Functional Behaviour Assessment

    • Development of a Behaviour Support Plan with the centre or kindergarten and parent/carers

    • Liaison with external agencies involved with the child

    • Monitoring and evaluation of the Behaviour Support Plan

  • Coaching regarding children's behaviour incidents including:

    • observations,

    • modelling,

    • feedback, and

    • support during meetings with parents.

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