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U&I's Little House of Learning

U&I Educational Partners knows the schooling system doesn't fit everyone.


School refusal occurs for a variety of reasons. The Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) conducted their 2020 youth summit in education and noted the following in their report:

"Because of the increased barriers faced in education settings and systems, young people with disability experience lower engagement rates. Young people with disability leave school before the age of 16 at a rate nearly three times higher than that of their counterparts. Students with disability are also less likely to complete year 12 or attain a tertiary education, such as a gaining a bachelor’s degree or higher." 


Our Little House of Learning (LHoL) can work with you, your child and your child's school to complete some, or all of their education.  


Big Picture Learning Australia's (BPLA) philosophy is ‘One student at a time in a community of learners’.


Customisation is at the heart of many recent changes to our society and economy – so why not education too? The Big Picture design for learning is based on research that shows that we learn best when we are personally motivated. Putting students at the centre of decisions around what, how and when they learn is the key to nurturing the next generations of engaged, independent learners.


BPLA prepares students for opportunities beyond school with an emphasis on relevance and real-world learning. Their students combine academic work with real-world internships, use their head, heart and hands to explore their world and plan their own pathways to future employment, study or enterprise.


The International Big Picture Learning Credential (IBPLC) is a personalised form of final-year assessment that measures and captures a broader range of students' capacities, experiences and qualities than is usual; matches them against developmental progressions; and allows students significant agency in the way they are represented.

BPLA at the LHoL

The Little House of Learning offers support for home schoolers from beginning to end.  For our senior home schoolers, we have partnered with Big Picture Learning Australia and can support learners to complete the final years of schooling through BPLA's Year 12 alternative to VCE, the International Big Picture Learning Credential.  The IBPLC is accepted by over 40% of Australian universities as a non-ATAR pathway into tertiary study. Our fees are dependent on individual requirements and are all inclusive. Flexible payment options are available. 


We implement BPLA's design for learning and prioritise:

  • students' individual interests and goals,

  • curriculum for each student that is relevant to people and places that exist in the real world,

  • students' abilities being authentically measured by the quality of their work. 


We support:

  • Home schoolers

  • Part-time schoolers

  • Full-time schoolers whose school is open to working with us


What to expect:

Your child will work with a Learning Advisor (LA) to develop their own Personal Interest Project (PIP) that will determine their work for an agreed length of time.  They direct their learning with support from their LA. As the student gets older they will be paired with a community mentor in their working field of interest and spend time building their knowledge, skills & capacity. Student learning is fully assessable and reportable. There are no exams and the learning is designed by, and with, the student. Years 11-12: Students who work with us for their final years of schooling will complete BPLA's International Big Picture Learning Credential. 


To read more about this credential and the research behind it - visit BPLA's website: 

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